Saturday, December 23, 2006


Hey there.

My name is Laura Boylan and I am a student of Comparative Media Studies at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. I am also a fangirl.

I created this blog as a place to talk about media and media studies separate from all the drivel I post in my personal blog.

I like all sorts of media, though I am not that much of a video gamer. I write and play in many Live Action Roleplaying games with Intercon and the MIT Assassins' Guild, and I am on the board of New England interactive Literature. My first forays into fandom were on AOL Star Trek boards back in the 90s and at I-Con back on Long Island. My interests in Media Studies extend far beyond fandom, but I will alway be a fangirl at heart.

I poached the term "Aca/Fan", for a combination of "Academic" and "Fan", from the blog of my professor, Henry Jenkins. He is the coolest person in all of Media Studies, in my entirely unbiased opinion, and I recommend his blog most enthusiastically.

So, who are you?